According to experts is no better means for students to communicate with their schools than text messaging.
There are many ways to utilize text messaging in universities and colleges. It is flexible and cost-effective and you don't need an internet connection to send a message to someone.
The statistics will show that using SMS is the best mode of messaging that will go hand in hand with higher education.
99% of college and university students have their own mobile phones.
97% of those who own mobile phone prefer text messaging as a mode of communication.
92% of college students will use their mobile phones when they are not doing anything.
90% of text messages are attended to within 3 minutes from the time of receipt.
77% of college and university students check their mobile phones the moment they wake up.
George Mason University, one of the leading brand in education has embraced the power of FONE API and have made it part of their standard and identity.
The Mason Alert Emergency Notification System makes it easy for students and employees to receive alerts in a timely manner. Several messages can be sent at the same time to target groups on a specific date and time. Even the location can be selected with the intelligent delivery feature. Cognitive automation gives real-time, two-way communication using a texting app and shortcodes can be programmed so that students can send message easily to the desired department or recipient.
Brief, detailed reminders can be sent regarding deadlines, schedules of class registration and payment of tuition fees and other due dates that they might miss.
Broadcast can be sent to students on last-minute messages. This can also work for staff and faculty members. It can increase safety by sending safety alerts, weather alerts, and crime alerts.
Surveys can be sent to students as well as voting and contests using text messages. This can also build communities and organizations by increasing student's participation.
Most college students are on a budget so sending them text messages about good deals like tuition fee discounts, bookstore coupons, promo codes etc. is very important.
Sending event notifications increases attendance. Notifying students of future events gives them time to prepare. They may even respond to confirm their attendance.
This makes studying not just education but also fun and secure. It also, helps students cope with their financial difficulties so that they can have a bright future.